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Grendel's Memorial

My first budgie, and the namesake of this website, Grendel, passed away on 12-7-2005. She was a light in our lives and will never be forgotten. Here we remember Grendel:


For a long time I wanted a pet bird. It was never the "right" time but in September of 2004 a gorgeous little blue and white budgie stole my heart. I thought the budgie was a male..and named him Grendel. (I later discovered Grendel to be a female when her cere turned brown!)

Grendel was always a kind of "go with the flow" kind of bird. She loved to travel places with me and seemed to enjoy the company of my dogs. The first time I held her outside of her cage she fell asleep!



My husband and I built a "bird tree" for the birds. Grendel REALLY loved it. Especially the added food dish!

Click for full sized photo

Grendel and I shared an incredible bond. Here my husband photographed us together. Grendel had travelled with us to MO to visit family.


The bond between Grendel and Kinsey was very touching.and often amusing


Grendel LOVED mirrors...she knew a good looking bird when she saw one!


This is one of my favorite photos of Grendel and Kinsey together! She sincerely looks like she is leaning in to tell Kinsey a secret.


Grendel LOVED to spend time with me while I was on the computer. The following photos show some of her playtimes on the computer.



Grendel enjoys playtime and snacktime with Kinsey and Abby on the bird tree.


When we first got Abby, Grendel was absolutely entralled with him! Grendel followed Abby everywhere..and at first Abby thought Grendel was a pest! lol In this photo Grendel follows Abby up the ladder on the bird tree. You can tell Abby is not amused.


Here Grendel leans in to smooch on Abby! lol


Another one of my favorites! Grendel tilting her head like, "Yes! I'm so cute!"


The tables finally turn and Abby falls head over heals for Grendel! lol Grendel looks more than a little intimidated by Abby's affections!


Grendel and Kinsey LOVED to sleep on this toy together.


While building the bird tree Grendel "supervises" Glenn. lol If you look carefully you can see her tailfeathers on Glenn's shoulder.


Grendel was serious about making sure that HER tree turned out ok!

Image hosted by Grendel looks MAD after a shower!


Video of husband scratching her. Shows how very sweet she was.

Grendel was our first pet bird..and far surpassed what I thought it would be like to have a budgie for a pet. She was loving, playful, mischievous and stole our hearts. Her life was TOO short. It seems so unfair that she was taken from us so soon. But despite this, I feel so lucky that Grendel was in my life for a little over a year. It is because of her sweet demeanor that Kinsey, Abby, Meadow, Beau and Kudzu are now here. We will always love Grendel. She will always have a place in my heart.